To be more efficient I was hoping to move my blog over to Well I have found that I am really picky about what I want to put over there so now I don’t post anything personal in fear of offending a potential customer and I miss blogging. So I am back here.
What is up with us?
Well Stephen got a job working as a Community Manager, managing hoa properties. He is really liking it. It really was a good in the end that he got laid off. I was made full time at work the day after Stephen lost his job and then about a month later I was promoted. Luckily I am able to still focus on school and school is now free which is awesome!
The only problem is that I can’t figure out what I am doing in school. I went back for graphic design. But I have fallen in love with photography and don’t really like the teachers or direction of the design program. I am struggling on what to do. I will be receiving my second associates degree at the end of this semester, it will be in art and visual communications with an emphasis in graphic design and photography. I have an associates in general studies already. How many associates degrees equal a bachelors? Ha:) since I am struggling with this I am only taking one class this semester and hoping to figure its out soon!
I recently purchased a silhouette cameo cutter. I have been thinking about getting into vinyl and Stephen wanted something so we could make custom university of Alabama T-shirts. This option was pretty cost effective and if all we end up using it for is personal stuff then I won’t feel as guilty as I would have if we bought a full cutter. I haven’t had much chance to play around with it but am excited to soon. This is the cutter.
This morning we took Molly to get her hair cut. She is a Pomeranian / long haired Chihuahua and her long hair is hard to manage. It is a lot to brush it and she still gets knots, especially behind her ears. We have gone with the lion cut since the first time we got it cut and I decided to go with something different.
She looks like an entirely different dog now and she is actually smaller than Royce it was just all that deceiving hair that made her look bigger. We now see what a dark face she has in comparison to the rest of her light coat and she really huge ears that stick right up. We love the new look!
All in all life is good. We always seem to be busy but we are enjoying what we are doing. Our three year anniversary is coming up in a little over a week. Some days it seems like we have been together forever and others it seems like we are still so new! I am just really happy where we are!
ha ha! i was just going to FINALlY move your link over on my blog.., guess I don’t need to worry about that one!!!