The seasons are changing around here and I don’t just mean the weather. Things have been weighing heavily on my mind and I’m a little sad. Becoming a parent is different than I ever thought it would be and they are better in most ways. I just never realized how hard it would be to say goodbye to each phase of my family while being exausted and overwhelmed each day. These feelings have inspired me to design this The Days Seem Long but the Years are Short – free printable.
We are done having kids. We have a boy and a girl and everything is perfect. I wasn’t sure I’d be sure we were done until about 2 weeks after my baby girl was born. I just knew we were complete. It’s so fun and exciting to watch my kids hit new milestones. My daughter is 14 months and just started walking a week and a half ago.
Overnight she has become more of a toddler and so much less of a baby. She is Miss independent; she wants to help with everything and she is so proud of everything she can do. Here confidence and curiosity is growing. She is exploring everything and loving it. It warms my heart and it’s exciting times. She is seeing the world from a new perspective and enjoying every second of her new found freedom.
While I am loving it, I became overwhelmed with emotions the other day. I had a realization hit me that I don’t have babies anymore. While yes, they are both still so little I am just amazed and overwhelmed at how fast this is all going. I remember craving to be pregnant and hoping to finally get the chance to be a parent and now, in a flash, here I am blessed with these two beautiful people growing rapidly in front of my eyes.
There are a lot of days that feel like it’s all a little too much. Being a parent is hard. Raising and caring for another person is hard. I wake up each day and I miss my kids but at night sometimes I just wonder how I made it through the day at all. I remember hearing the saying “the days seem long but the years are short” and I am only now beginning to understand how true that is. Moments of seeing and realizing my babies are growing like crazy make this sentiment hit me a little hard. I’m sure I’ll have more of these moments that remind me of this and shake me up a bit in the future. In the tough moments and very long days, I’ll try my best to keep in mind that it’s important to cherish these phases. One day I’ll wake up and they’ll be adults and I’ll miss this moment like crazy.
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