In my digital imaging class we are learning light painting. We had a demo on this in my film photography class but didn’t really get to practice it. I really like it, it is fun and interesting. A little too artsy for me to do all of the time but fun to play around with!
To do this, you shoot in the dark and with a long shutter speed (all of the ones below were 15 – 20 second shutter speeds) and then you use any form of light and draw in the air. It is important to focus before you take the shot. To do this, set up your camera on a tripod or secure surface, then with the autofocus on, slightly push down on your exposure button to activate the autofocus, then switch to manual focus. Turn out the lights and shoot! You can get really creative, highlight different things, paint the sky, etc!
Here are some shots from my class!
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