On Saturday, Stephen and I had a date morning on accident. It was nice to spend time together unplanned and I hope to get more time like that before the baby comes. I am grateful to have had nearly 4 years of marriage just the two of us, of course we are excited and solely focused on this baby and the life we want to provide for our future family but I believe that our marriage and keeping that a major priority will create a great foundation for this little man that is entering our lives. Speaking of focusing on this baby, he is moving a ton the last couple of days and especially while I type this – I absolutely love that feeling. Stephen even felt him on Friday night, it was a cool experience to share together.
Back to our date morning – we decided to try Kneader’s french toast since I have heard such great things about it in the past. It did not disappoint. We had to make a stop at Home Depot to find a solution to our clean out valves that are sticking out of the wall in the basement – I know super steamy stuff! Then we decided to see People Like Us at Thanksgiving Point. First, that new theater is amazing, I love that they updated it. Second, the movie was great, I highly recommend it. There was a perfect blend of story, humor, interest, drama, etc. I was impressed.
The part that showed my crazy pregnancyness was that everywhere we went, I was so hot and uncomfortable. I was only comfortable outside, which in the recent heat is crazy to me. I thought a movie would be a great place to escape the heat but I swear the A/C was off. We got a pretzel and some cheese sauce before the movie. I was wearing a light shawl / jacket thing over my tank top and when I was in the theater, I was so uncomfortable I couldn’t bare the heat. As I was trying and struggling to get the damn thing off, somehow I hit the cheese sauce with my elbow and it flew through the air and landed on the floor and seats, on our row and 2 rows ahead of us. I couldn’t believe it, I made a huge mess, in this nice new theater that even smelled new. No one else was in the theater but I just thought of someone coming in and their seat having cheese sauce all over. I started crying, over spilled cheese sauce. It was a moment that perfectly describes my recent emotional feelings, especially feeling like a toddler that might have a tantrum of frustration, tears, etc, I knew it was just spilled cheese and really not a big deal but I just wanted to get up and leave. Luckily, Stephen was there and not hormonal so he got some napkins and we cleaned it up and successful enjoyed the movie. It really was no reason to cry and not that big of a deal – a mess yes but not as bad as I made it out to be. This is one of the stories I want to remember about pregnancy because I find it humorous and a little crazy but it is a perfect example of how I am feeling lately.
When I was pregnant with Luke Kalen and I went to a movie. We were sitting on the second to front row because the theater was so full. he only empty seats were two seats in front of us. Half way through I had to pee, of course. I decided rather than crawl over everyone I would jump on the seats in front of me and then get down from there and go out to the bathroom. Well, I go on the seat in front, went to jump off, landed and then fell flat on my face, bouncing on my ginormous tummy. There was an audible ” oohh, oww.” from the audience. I was mortified, embarrassed, worried I had injured the baby, it was so awful. But, now it is so funny. Enjoy all the emotions and experiences of being pregnant, it really is so fun!